Ninjutsu (Secrecy and Skill Techniques) |
Ninjutsu techniques are the secrecy and skill techniques of a ninja. Ninjutsu techniques normally require hand seals of some form.
Kibaku Nendo - Exploding Clay |
Character Use: Deidara
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Akatsuki member Deidara is an artist at heart, and he uses his modeling clay to fashion animals which help him in combat. This clay is fashioned into destructive art using the Earth Element. For that reason, the art models are weak to Lightning based attacks. The art models can take the form of birds for flight and exploding seeker birds and spiders. Deidara possesses two mouths on the palm of each hand. Withdrawing a bit of clay from his pouch, one of the mouths can consume the clay, imbue it with his explosive chakra and fashion it into a creature. Deidara can then make the item bigger after forming the necessary handseals. He will retain control over the item and can decide what actions the clay art will take.
The creature shown here is a spider type homing explosive. He has various other bird types as well which can serve the same function. That of searching out an enemy and getting near enough to it for him to release the explosive seal and cause detonation. Each piece of art will be infused with one of four explosive chakra types: C1, C2, C3 or C4. C1 is used in most of Deidara's smaller art pieces including spiders, centipedes and birds. C2 is used in his favorite attack, the C2 Dragon combo jutsu. C3 was seen in his most powerful large scale attack, his Speciality #18 Jutsu. And finally, C4 is seen in his most deadly attack, the microscopic bomb C4 Karura.
Kibaku Nendo - Exploding Clay (Carrier Version) |
Character Use: Deidara
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Akatsuki member Deidara is an artist at heart, and he uses his modeling clay to fashion animals which help him in combat. These can take the form of birds for flight and exploding seeker birds and spiders. Deidara possesses two mouths on the palm of each hand. Withdrawing a bit of clay from his pouch, one of the mouths can consume the clay and fashion it into a creature. Deidara can then make the item bigger after forming the necessary handseals. He will retain control over the item and can decide what actions the clay art will take.
This bird allows him to run recon over his target area. It is highly mobile and can allow him to drop other art on his targets below.
Kibaku Nendo • C2 Doragon - Exploding Clay • C2 Dragon |
Character Use: Deidara + Tobi
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Akatsuki member Deidara is an artist at heart, and he uses his modeling clay to fashion animals which help him in combat. After withdrawing a bit of clay from his pouch, Deidara will use his palm mouths to consume the clay and fashion it into a dragon which is infused with his C2 chakra.
Deidara will act in conjunction with Tobi to create a combination attack meant to stop an agile opponent. The large dragon will first drawn in some of its tail to create numerous spheres which it will expel from its mouth. The dragon can then take to the air and while Tobi places the spheres underground, beneath the feet of their opponent. From his position in the air, Deidara can launch smaller, more explosive C2 dragons towards his target. This combination of land mines and aerial attacks will box his opponent in, making any wrong move their last.
Kibaku Nendo • C3 - Exploding Clay • C3 (Deidara's Specialty #18 Jutsu) |
Character Use: Deidara
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Akatsuki member Deidara is an artist at heart, and he uses his modeling clay to fashion animals which help him in combat. These can take the form of birds for flight and exploding seeker birds and spiders. Deidara possesses two mouths on the palm of each hand. Withdrawing a bit of clay from his pouch, one of the mouths can consume the clay and fashion it into a creature. Deidara can then make the item bigger after forming the necessary handseals. He will retain control over the item and can decide what actions the clay art will take.
Deidara possesses a specialty jutsu which can cause massive damage. Deidara imbues his explosive art with his chakra, in this technique's case he imbues his clay model with his most explosive chakra, called C3. After he sends the model off, he can use a release command to detonate it. It is capable of leveling an entire village.
Kibaku Nendo • C4 Karura - Exploding Clay • C4 Garuda |
Character Use: Deidara
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Fun Fact: The Karura/Garuda is a human-bird figure from Hindu-Buddhist myth who is said to be the enemy of snakes.
Akatsuki member Deidara is an artist at heart, and he uses his modeling clay to fashion objects which help him in combat. After ingesting his clay into his real mouth, Deidara will expel the C4 chakra infused explosive clay from his gullet to create his most deadly Kibaku Nendo attack. This particular attack was developed to kill Uchiha Itachi.
The expelled clay with combine to form a gigantic version of a cloaked Deidara. After forming the needed hand seals, the giant Deidara will explode into a fine cloud of microscopic clay bombs. These tiny objects will be controlled by Deidara's chakra as they move towards their target. The target will then unknowingly breathe in the cloud. These tiny objects will then travel throughout the body and detonate, causing microscopic explosions. This in turn causes the body to disintegrate on a cellular level. Note that the cloud of microscopic bombs contains chakra, so if the target possesses some means to see chakra, such as the Sharingan, then they can move to avoid the attack.
Kibaku Nendo • Kyuukyoyu Geijutsu - Exploding Clay • Ultimate Art (Unnamed) |
Character Use: Deidara
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Fun Fact: The explosion resembles the Tower of the Sun statue by Taro Okamoto. This artist was also the inspiration for "Art is a Bang".
This unnamed attack is utilized by Akatsuki member Deidara. After removing the bindings sealing the mouth on his chest, Deidara will feed the maw a large clump of clay. After being ingested, dark veins will begin to emerge on his body as he infuses the clay with his explosive chakra. When the veins nearly cover his whole body, they will begin to retreat back into a sphere located near the chest mouth. When the veins totally retreat back into the clay, Deidara will ignite it causing a huge explosion which will cover a ten kilometer area.
Kikaichuu no Jutsu - Destruction Bug Technique |
Character Use: Aburame Shino, Aburame Shibi
Rank: -
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Note: Secret Clan Technique
Kikaichuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Aburame clan of Leaf village. After being born, the clan member serves as the host nest for the kikai bugs. In return for feeding on the chakra the hosts' body provides, the insects will do the bidding of the clan member. The host can use the bugs to seek out the chakra of the opponent and attack them, or use the bugs for their own techniques such as the Kikaichuu Bunshin.
Kirikirimai - Whirl |
Character Use: Temari
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Kuchiyose • Kirikirimai is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by the Sand ninja Temari. After wiping her blood on her fan, she will swing it to summon a weasel called the Kamaitachi. The weasel carries an arsenal of large and small scythes. It will use these to cut a huge swath of destruction to the surrounding area.
Kirigakure no Jutsu - Hidden Mist Technique |
Viz Translation: Kirigakure Jutsu
Character Use: Momochi Zabuza, Hatake Kakashi
Rank: D
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Kirigakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Hidden Mist ninja. The ninja causes the area surrounding their target to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target.
Kisei Kikai - Parasitic Ghost Destruction |
Character Use: Ukon
Rank: -
Note: Special Bloodline Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Kisei Kikai is a specialized Ninjutsu assassination technique used by Ukon. Using his bloodline ability to break down his body at a molecular level, he can fuse into the body of another. This allows him to rip apart the cells of his target and also damage the internal chakra pathways of the ninja. These pathways are heavily intertwined with the major organs, tissue, cells and even the proteins of the body.
While in his level two cursed seal form, he can freely disassemble and reconstruct these cells with his chakra. When done he can use his power to reconstruct himself back to the way it was as he leaves his targets body. Unfortunately because this fusion makes him and the ninja share the same body, he can be damaged by any harm their body takes if it was not done by his careful manipulation.
Kokuryuu Boufuusetsu - Black Dragon Blizzard |
Character Use: Kazahana Dotou
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Special Note: Movie One Only
Hyouton • Kokuryuu Boufuusetsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Ice Element. After forming the needed handseals, Dotou will thrust his arm to send out a black ether-like dragon to strike his opponent. As it flies through the air it will begin to turn, when it hits the target it will use its motion to launch the opponent high into the air.
Note that the manga establishes Hyouton as a bloodline limit ability unique to Haku's family. This means this technique conflicts with established canon concerning who can do Ice Element techniques.
Kokuun no Jutsu - Black Clouds Technique |
Character Use: Kagari
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Special Note: Anime Only
Suiton • Kokuun no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Rain ninja Kagari which utilizes the Water Element. After forming the necessary hand seals, a black mist will emit from his body and rise into the sky. Black clouds will form, releasing a flammable rain of oil onto his targets.
Konbi Henge no Jutsu - Combination Transformation Technique |
Character Use: Uzumaki Naruto + Gamabunta, Jiroubou + Sakon, Tayuya + Kidoumaru, Kiba + Akamaru
Rank: B
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Konbi Henge is a Ninjutsu technique that allows two ninja to transform themselves temporarily into another person or thing. While in the form, they can use the physical characteristics of the one they are impersonating.
Kongou Rouheki - Indestructible Prison Wall |
Character Use: Enkouou Enma
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Defense, Supplementary
Using his ability to Henge into his Kongou-nyoi form, Enma can create multiple copies of the his staff form to create a protective prison. Because of his virtually indestructible form, the prison can withstand a lot of damage.